We’d be even more glad to meet you in person. Looking for a church home is one of the most important decisions you make when entering a new community or coming to faith in Jesus Christ. We know how it feels to be someplace new. Read below for some helpful information on planning your first visit.
We want you to feel comfortable attending, so you will see many faces without masks (non are required) and a few who prefer to wear one (non are discouraged). There are still hand-sanitizing stations in primary areas of the church. We do not require social-distancing, but welcome you to let us know if you would prefer to keep some space between yourself and others. It’s all about communication. We are happy to accommodate as much as we can.
Guest parking is available in the parking lot directly across from our Sanctuary front doors. The lot is accessible from Church Street.
You may also park in our North Parking lot, located off of King Street and situated between our church building and Market Village. From this lot enter through the Welcome Center doors.
There will be someone there to greet you and help you find your way around at either entrance.
We are a multi-generational church with people from all walks of life and backgrounds, so you’ll see everything from casual to dressy. Come to worship dressed in a way that makes you comfortable. You’ll fit right in.
Our Family Check-In is located on the first floor at the Welcome Center entrance. We have plenty of friendly hosts to help you get the kids checked in for Sunday School and walk your Middle or High School student to Student Ministry. You’ll get instructions at drop-off for picking your children up after Sunday School.
If you’re coming just for worship, you may visit Family Check-In to drop off your Preschool children. All other children sit together with their family in worship.
As our guest, we don’t expect you to bring a monetary donation to the service. The only thing you will want to have with you is a copy of the Bible. Our pastors read and preach from the English Standard Version (ESV) so this is the easiest to follow along in, but whatever translation you have will do. If you don’t have a copy of the Bible, we would be glad to give you one!
We are committed to exalting Jesus Christ in our services, so everyone meets together during worship. We value a truly multi-generational service; there will be elements that appeal to both young and old. You can expect our service to be celebratory because we believe that the gospel is good news. We sing from a wide-range of styles but always with songs that are anchored to the gospel and glorify our majestic God. Song lyrics are provided on the screens. Scripture passages read in the service are not on the screens in order to encourage people to read along in their own copy of the Bible.
There is a focus on Scripture and prayer. Our pulpit is expository, meaning we preach the Bible verse by verse on most Sundays. It is common for people to take notes on the sermon in the outline provided on the Worship Guide.
We believe that the saints should gather together regularly for worship and that relationships matter. For this reason, we hold a greeting time during worship where people are asked to greet one another. Many people move around during this time, but feel free to stay in your seat. You’re our guest and we are happy to come to you.
Toward the end of our service we ask our members to give a monetary donation. As our guest, you are not expected to give. We only ask that you stop by our Welcome kiosk in the Foyer to introduce yourself. This helps us get to know you and keep in touch with you if you’d like.
Crossings Cafe, located on the second floor of the church above the Welcome Center, opens at 9:00am and is a wonderful place to meet people in our church. First-time guests are treated to a free specialty coffee. Regular coffee is free every Sunday to everyone. There is always someone there to greet you and assist in finding your way around.
The best way to make friends at Smyrna First is just by being involved. Study Groups and Community Groups are great places to get to know people well. We can help you find a place to plug in once you get here.